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President's Services

Room application for events

Important principles

Processing time
- The review/processing of applications can take several working days depending on the complexity/topic.
- If the title/topic is changed, the authorisation process starts all over again.

Patronage for events outside of teaching
Third-party events necessarily require a patronage by an internal UZH unit. For events with external speakers organized by student associations a patronage can be requested as well.
Information sheet patronage for events outside of teaching (PDF, 53 KB)

Security at events
Security requirements may be necessary for certain events by prior arrangement. As a rule, the costs are borne by the organizers. Reglement über die Benutzung von Räumen und Aussenflächen der Universität Zürich, §13. Abs.1 (PDF, 162 KB)

Application for areas that are not listed in the application form
Some special outdoor areas are not included in our booking tool. Please refer to the calendar view to find out which areas are included. If you are planning an event on an outdoor area that is not listed, please send an e-mail with an event concept:

Obtaining a permit from the Office for Events (City of Zurich)
A permit from the Office for Events is required if you:
- sell drinks or food
- use loudspeakers outdoors
When submitting your application to the Office for Events, please also submit the permit for your event that you have received from UZH (e-mail or room confirmation received).

Application form

Application form
A room reservation request is also possible directly via the calendar viewProcess flow Events outside of teaching (PDF, 179 KB)

Ordering devices
Equipment can be ordered here. You will need the booking number, which is sent with the confirmation of the room reservation.

Events outside of the opening hours

your event is taking place outside of the opening hours of UZH buildings, please take note of the following documents (keys, tidy up):

UZH Zentrum (PDF, 88 KB) (German)
UZH Nord (PDF, 89 KB)(Binzmühle-, Andreas- und Affolternstrasse, German)
UZH Irchel (PDF, 85 KB)(German)

Weiterführende Informationen


Room Allocation Services
Rämistrasse 71
8006 Zürich
KOL E 23

Phone 044 634 22 14
Mon - Thu: 10-12 & 13:30-15:30 Uhr
Friday: 10-12 Uhr
